Theater and Performing Arts
The Hague School partners with Norfolk’s Generic Theater to provide students with training and support from professional actors, directors, and costume and stage designers. Our 120-year-old auditorium is perfectly designed to carry acoustics for vocal performances, speeches, debates, and dramatic productions. Generic Theater collaborated with THS’s drama club In 2024, to produce the one-act play Burglars, Bunglars, and Neighborhood Thieves.

In 2023, The Hague School’s drama club produced Samuel Beckett’s tragi-comedy Waiting for Gadot, and students of all grades performed original scenes from literature adapted for the stage during the THS Spring Arts Festival.
Drama Club reherses official Broadway choreography to a song from Hair.
2024 Production of Burglars, Bunglars, and Neighborhood Thieves.
Students perform in THS’s 2023’s production of Waiting for Gadot.